📹Media Bounty[Entries Closed]

Video-Review bounty for 500$

Results :

Participant NamePositionBounty Prize

@Vikivao, @yashchandak, @Hodl_it



Not a fan of writing? That's okay. We have got you covered there!

Make a short video-review of any of the following topics with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, and keep your video submission link in the form of Youtube unlisted videos.

  • Video explaining Compute 2 data

  • A simple to understand video explaining the Ocean Marketplace

  • Your best understanding on Blockchain fundamentals in Cryptocurrencies & Web3

  • ELI5 Cryptocurrencies through creative explainers.

  • An explainer covering the data-economy protocols that are similar to Ocean.

  • Video review of the Ocean Academy

  • Alternative: Create impactful video memes and post them on any social media that is likely to get traction.

Evaluation criteria:

  • Similar to the writer's bounty, but for videos

  • Feel free to make use of clever editing skills that are Youtube native

  • The focus should be on the informative insights that one can gain from your video and not necessarily on the magic behind video-editing.

  • For memes, evaluation would be to just capture the best use of your imagination in relation to Ocean Protocol and the bullish Indian community.

Prize: The best 2 submissions will be eligible to win the prize amount of 250$ each.

Submission link: https://airtable.com/shr3xIyel49Llx8Mw

Helpful References:

For any insights and doubts, feel free to reach out to us on our socials.

Last updated