AI and Blockchain Workshop
IOOP x BMS IEEE Student Chapter Collaboration
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IOOP x BMS IEEE Student Chapter Collaboration
Last updated
Indian Ocean Program in collaboration with BMSCE IEEE SB and Ocean Academy conducted a 3-day online workshop. The workshop focused on educating the attendees on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science on Blockchain. It was conducted over a course of 3-days; on 18th,19th and 20th February 2022. The workshop was hosted on Google Meet.
The speakers on the first day ,Mr. Sachin Matta, a blockchain developer at Cosmos India, Mr. Srikanth Alva, a Blockchain Mentor and Tutor and Mr. Aishwary Gupta, Defi Operations Lead at Polygon. On the first day, the attendees were introduced to Blockchain Technology and briefed about distinct features of various Cryptocurrency.
The speaker on the second day, Mr. Vishwanath BR, India Market Lead at Sino Global Angel Vishal and a Blockchain and a Start-up Consultant acquainted the attendees on Regulatory aspects of Cryptocurrency. The session was followed by a contest in which attendees were asked to make teams, set up their own Metamask Wallet and make transactions to their teammate using Ethereum currency. After which a quiz was conducted.
The Speaker on the third day was Mr. Manan Patel, founder of DataX. He enlightened the attendees of the financial aspects of Cryptocurrency and NFTS and inculcated them on details of the working of the Metamask wallet.
Towards the end of the workshop we had a contest with a prize pool of Rs. 1500. The first place went to Abhinav and Joyti Prakash, the second place Niharika and Ranjini and the third place went to Kaustub.
The workshop saw a total of 43 participants out of which 36 were IEEE members and 7 were non-IEEE members. The attendees found the session to be informative and were eager to explore the world of artificial intelligence and blockchain.
All the Attendees , Speakers of the workshop received NFT's for participation and contribution respectively. Check out the tweet below for a sneak peek into the NFT's minted.
For more information on the workshop, please refer to the report published below on Indian Ocean Official Medium Page.