Community Celebration
Social Media Growth , Contributions to the OceanDAO, DAO Grantees and Collaborations with Web3 projects.
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Social Media Growth , Contributions to the OceanDAO, DAO Grantees and Collaborations with Web3 projects.
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DataX project , founded by Manan recently onboarded Rishab, a key contributor to the indian ocean ecosystem. He is currently actively contributing at DataX in building an open and decentralized financial layer on datasets . We will keep increasing developer community pool and increase activity/contributions around ocean centric projects.
Comments and Ratings Project , Core-Tech earmarked proposal formed by Rishab and Ravi have been working closely with Core-Tech working group and have been updating their status regularly.
IOOP's official Twitter handle has been effective at helping web3 enthusiasts understand ocean ecosystem with relatable meme content.
WebSockets as Service : Project led by Trishul, member of the IOOP and also Ambassador of Ocean Protocol. Proposal aims to build a feature for Ocean Core Software. Other earmarked problem statements under Core-Tech will also benefit from the infrastructure built by this project. The project received Core-Tech earmark and the proposal has been submitted for R-16 funding round.
Build On Ocean Series : Project led by Krati , an experienced Full Stack developer and involved with multiple blockchain protocols. The proposal aims at making content around Ocean components for smoothening the on ramp experience for users. Video content, Blogs, Documentation etc would be created as part of the grant deliverables.